2024 engAGED and Commit to Connect: National Summit to Increase Social Connections

Join engAGED and Commit to Connect at our annual National Summit to Increase Social Connections. The virtual conference will take place on May 14 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM ET and May 15 from 1:00 to 3:30 PM ET. This year, speakers and attendees will explore how to leverage technology to advance social connections for older adults and people with disabilities.  

The summit will bring together local, state and national leaders from across sectors working to address social isolation and loneliness.  

Sessions will highlight innovative programs, resources and tools to: 

  • increase the capacity of the aging and disability networks to promote social connections; 

  • increase awareness and availability of programs, services and interventions increasing social connection; and 

  • leverage technology to increase social connection. 

The virtual National Summit to Increase Social Connections is free and open to the public, but you must register in advance to participate! A high-level agenda for the summit is available below. For a more detailed agenda, check here. Find out more about speakers at the summit by checking out the Speaker Profiles.

This event will include CART closed captioning and ASL interpretation. 

May 14, 1:00-4:00pm ET

1:00 pm ET Welcome, Housekeeping and Purpose Setting

1:10 pm ET A Video Message from the Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek Murthy  

1:15 pm ET Keynote: Future of Technology and Social Engagement

2:00 pm ET Nationwide Network of Champions and Additional Resources from Commit to Connect and engAGED

2:15 pm ET Break

2:30 pm ET Program Spotlight: National Telecommunications and Information Administration

3:00 pm ET Panel: Social Engagement and Assistive Technology

3:55 pm ET Wrap Up and Next Day Preview

May 15, 1:00-3:30pm ET

1:00 pm ET Welcome and Housekeeping

1:10 pm ET Program Spotlight: Machine Learning and Social Health Connector Tool

2:15 pm ET Break

2:30 pm ET Panel: Virtual Programming

3:25 pm ET Call to Action and Wrap-Up

3:30 pm ET Summit Adjourns

This initiative is funded in part by contract no. HHSP233201500088I from ACL. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.